Mat or Reformer Pilates: Which is Better?

Many people have this question when they are new to Pilates: “Which is better - mat or reformer Pilates?” Sometimes they will say, "I love reformer” or "I only do mat." So which is better? Let's start by looking at each and what makes them different.

​Here’s a quick breakdown for you to decide whether Mat or Reformer Pilates is best for you…

About Mat Pilates

  1. Mat Pilates is the foundation of everything. It's what Joseph Pilates created first. It connects you to the largest equipment available - the earth.

  2. You can do it anywhere, anytime. This is one of the reasons why people love the Pilates flows in my ebook – Let’s Start Pilates. You can create your own routine depending on when and how much time you have.

  3. Most Pilates experts say mat is the best option for beginners. And I completely agree. Mat exercises are a great starting point because of its emphasis on learning how to control your muscles and get in tune with your body.

  4. Mat Pilates is often more accessible and affordable.

  5. You will see results within a few weeks of consistent practice — improved strength, posture, and flexibility, as well as toned muscles. 3-4 sessions (at home or studio classes) per week is ideal.

  6. Advanced mat exercises are the hardest Pilates you can do. Because you’re using your body all the time. Reformer isn’t assisting or supporting your body. You actually have to rely on your own strength and flexibility to do the exercises.

  7. It has more flow. You transition from one move to the other in this smart and beautifully designed method.

About Reformer Pilates

  1. Reformer can be intimidating at first as it looks like a torture machine with its straps, springs, bars and cables. But it’s pretty much one of the best things that can ever happen to your body. :)

  2. It can really “reform” your life. You’ll feel the muscles you never knew you had and be challenged in many different ways.

  3. The resistance created by the spring system can provide a more fun and exciting workout than mat.

  4. Reformer classes are usually much more expensive than mat classes. This makes reformer less accessible for many people.

  5. If you have difficulty connecting in with your body and need more support, reformer may help. On reformer, you have a head rest, shoulder blocks, and a foot bar so you can more easily feel and see exactly how your body is moving. You have constant feedback from the machine.

  6. There are more exercises on reformer. There's about 50 mat exercises and 250 on reformer. It's great to help keep variety in your Pilates routine.

  7. Not all reformer classes are the same. So many studios claim to offer “Pilates”– but not really. They might be just a fitness studio that makes you sweat and think you’ve had a good workout, but actually have nothing to do with the original method and principles of Pilates. Be careful when you choose a class. Always listen to your body. Be mindful of form, correct alignment and getting in a balanced workout. You want results, not injuries.

So, which is better?
Joseph Pilates never intended either Mat or Reformer to be practiced alone. His approach was integrative. Combining mat and reformer gives you the best overall program, providing the full benefits that Pilates can offer. So which one? You can’t go wrong whichever you choose. They’re just different – each has unique qualities. Keep in mind that different doesn’t mean one is better. As a certified instructor and a Pilates fan for over 10 years, I love and practice both.

Best Routine for Your Best Body.
Doing both is best. If you do both, you’ll connect to your body faster, better and deeper. So challenge yourself to explore new exercises on the mat, or try a reformer class. You may just find a new way to connect with your mind and body and feel inspired to move more.

Taylor Leigh

Taylor is a freelance Squarespace web designer based in Los Angeles.

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